5 astuces pour s’entraîner en anglais cet été !

Top tips to keep learning a language if you're not going abroad this summer
09 Aug 2023

Vous craignez de “perdre” vos compétences linguistiques durant le mois d’août ? Impossible, avec ces 5 astuces que nous vous proposons dans cet article ! Bonne lecture et bel été, chez vous ou sur les routes du monde !

Summer is finally here, and so are (for most of us) the holidays! While some of us may be planning to travel abroad to experience new cultures and languages, not all of us are so lucky. But don’t worry, staying at home for the summer doesn’t mean you can’t continue your language-learning journey! With a bit of creativity and enthusiasm, you can still immerse yourself into the language you’re learning and improve your skills without needing to move at all! Let’s take a look at 5 different ways to do this:

Change your phone’s language

Switching your phone’s language is a great way to simulate an immersive environment! Every app, notification, and setting will challenge you to read, listen, and think in the language you are learning. You might be surprised how quickly you will learn new vocabulary and improve your comprehension skills!

Catch up on films and series

There’s no better excuse to grab a cold drink and settle down to watch your favourite films or series! Transform your screen time into language-learning time by watching them in the language you’re learning. If possible, try keeping the subtitles in the same language, so that you’ll improve both your reading and listening skills! You’ll also gain insight into the culture and mannerisms of native speakers.

Find a restaurant from that country

Try to find a restaurant in your city that serves the cuisine of the country/countries of the language you are studying. Not only will it be great to discover the gastronomy of a culture different from your own, but you might also have the chance to interact with native-speaking restaurant staff!

Find an exchange in your city

“Two heads are better than one!” Look for language exchange groups or events in your area. These gatherings bring language learners and native speakers together, giving you the chance to practise the language you’re learning. Engaging in conversations with different people will help you adapt to different accents, whilst learning new vocabulary and expressions at the same time.

Go on a virtual tour

Thanks to new technologies, you can go on virtual tours of other countries. Many museums, landmarks, and historical sites offer virtual tours in many different languages. Visit famous landmarks, explore cities, and soak up the local culture all while improving your language skills.

So, there you have it! There’s no need to travel abroad to practise your language skills; you can simply stay home and let the language come to you. Remember, “practice makes perfect,” and every little step counts. So, make this summer a time of language progress and memorable experiences. Happy learning!


Immersive (adjective) – Involving deep engagement or immersion in an activity or environment, in this context, related to language learning.

Landmark (noun) – An important or historical structure or site which is easily recognised and often used for navigation.

To soak up (phrasal verb) – To absorb or take in a large amount of something, in this context, culture or information.

Mannerism (noun) – Characteristic behaviours or gestures that are typical of a person or culture.

Subtitles (noun) – Transcribed text displayed at the bottom of the screen during a film or television show.

Gathering (noun) – A meeting or social event where people come together for a specific purpose.



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